Friday, October 10, 2008

So anyways, fall...

The fall air is so crisp, is how people often describe it. Can it be true? Can the people of this world collectively come up with something resembling fact?
I guess so.
But I love fall air. It makes me feel so alive, compared to the hazy lazy summer air. And it makes me want to go places, do things... like watching leaves change colour.
Yesterday I went to a farmer's market, the ultimate fall activity. The apples, so fresh! The smiles, so true!
Then I went to the library. I didn't realize how much I missed reading books until I looked at them all. Who can put the joy of reading behind them, truly? Who can ever forsake the word? Only those who have chosen a path of rain and snow can blind themselves to the power of rock and roll.

I went to see John Ralston Saul at UBC. He is a very smart philosopher. He was giving a speech about how canada is in fact an aboriginal nation. Ideas like multiculturalism, pluralism, single-tier health care, and stuff like that can't be traced back to europe or the US, but can be traced to the first nations. I like this Idea and find it very true. I can't wait to see how people react and grow because of this book.
And so I wandered around Vancouver with my friend. It's beautiful there at night, if a little more dangerous. We should go to the library sometime...

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